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Institute of Animal Nutrition (ITE)

Individual feeding stuff:

Influence of two peas and two field beans on the performance of laying hens

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of two white-blossoming peas (Phönix, Duel) featuring different protein contents, as well as of a coloured blossoming field bean (Scirocco) and a white- blooming field bean (Gloria) on the performance of laying hens. The experiment was carried out in the sixth laying month and began when the hens reached an age of 23 weeks. A total of 32 hens per group were put in individual cages of a floor battery. The peas (20/30/40 %) and the field beans (10/20/30 %) were included in three concentrations each in the hen diets. Due to hen losses in the first laying month in the groups with 20% and 30% Scirocco and 30% Gloria in diets, the trial was finished for these groups and started in the 6th laying month again.

The daily feed intake of the hens, and particularly the egg mass, were reduced by feeding field beans Gloria and Scirocco at concentrations of 10 % in the feed. The field bean Gloria had a higher protein content, and lower Vicin/Convicin and tannin content in comparison to Scirocco. The daily egg mass production and the feed conversion of the field bean groups were significantly worse in comparison with the control. It was concluded that reduced tannin content in the field bean Gloria, at an inclusion level of 10%, made it insufficient for the diet and negatively changed the performance of the hens. The performances of the hens whose feed contained 20 - 40 % peas in exchange for soy bean didn't show negative differences to the control. It was concluded that a portion of up to 40 % of white-blossoming field peas was proven to be possible.


    • Halle I (2004) Einfluß gestaffelter Gehalte an zwei Sorten Erbsen und Ackerbohnen im Legehennenfutter auf die Leistungsmerkmale.  In: Rodehutscord M (ed) 8. Tagung Schweine- und Geflügelernährung : 23. - 25. November 2004, Lutherstadt Wittenberg. pp 106-108
    • Halle I (2005) Einfluß gestaffelter Anteile von je zwei Erbsen- und Ackerbohnensorten im Legehennenfutter auf die Leistungsmerkmale. Landbauforsch Völkenrode 55(3):149-155
    • Halle I (2006) 4. Antinutritive Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe sowie Pflanzenteile und Pflanzen mit antinutritiven Substanzen : 4.5 Vicin - Convicin. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 294:231