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Further cases of Variegated Squirrel 1 Bornavirus

Short Messages

FLI recommends examination/testing of pet squirrels.

During the first weeks of 2016, the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) detected further cases of Variegated Squirrel 1 Bornavirus (VSBV-1) in pet squirrels from zoos and breeders. Variegated squirrels as well as several species of the subfamily Callosciurinae were affected. Therefore, the FLI recommends testing of all pet squirrels for the virus. 

Studies indicate a zoonotic character of VSBV-1 and that three breeders have been infected by their variegated squirrels. At present it is unclear whether VSBV-1 also occurs in other animal species. Investigations to identify other susceptible species and establish the origins of the pathogen are being carried out by the FLI.

So far, all VSBV-1 infected squirrels have been detected in Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia, or Lower Saxony. It is currently unclear if the animals were infected in Germany or if the pathogen was introduced into Germany due to the importation of infected animals. The transmission routes of VSBV-1 between squirrels and to humans are still unknown. Direct transmission through scratches or bites is most likely.

Further information on VSBV-1 and details on sampling / shipping of samples are provided in a profile on the FLI website under Animal Disease Information/Bornavirus.

Photo: Callosciurus prevostii (Photo: B.M. Bußmann, FLI)

Callosciurus prevostii (Photo: B.M. Bußmann, FLI)