Common database on the epidemiological situation of Classical- & African Swine Fever in wild boar in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland.
In September 2002, the Institute of Epidemiology (Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut) started the development of an animal based database system on the epidemiological situation of swine fever in wild boar in Belgium, France, Germany (federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland), Luxembourg and the Netherlands. This project was carried out in close cooperation with the working group for swine fever in wild boar of the European Commission. The database was realised as an internet based project and permits data entry and analysis via an internet browser.
Access to the website is restricted by safety mechanisms. The users must authenticate themselves by user names and passwords.
All database users nominated by the EU member states are entitled to read and analyse the contents. However, only a specifically defined user group is authorized to modify (add, edit or delete) the respective country records. Data entry includes the characterization of the individual wild boar (sex, age, cause of death and localization) as well as the results of laboratory diagnostic investigations (virology and/or serology) and can be done via a HTML mask in the browser or by upload via a CSV-file (Comma-separated values) if larger amounts of data need to be entered. For this purpose, interfaces with database systems of the diagnostic investigation authorities have been established.
Apart from the analysis in table-form which is stratified according to time period, administrative units (e.g. member state, federal state, district), age classes and results, an internet map server also allows for the display of the results in map-form considering administrative borders and topographic characteristics. The map explorer links laboratory results to the respective restriction and vaccination areas and facilitates the coloring and display of the maps.
Another possibility to visualise laboratory results directly out of the filtered search results via an internet map offers the so-called "QuickMapViewer". It overlays the current administrative levels from the European Boundary Map of Eurostat and provides useful land cover information such as height reliefs, forests, roads, railway lines, and rivers. These features can be displayed in combination with satellite images or orthophotos based on Google Maps or OpenStreetMap.