Risk Assessments
If required the Institute of Epidemiology of the FLI provides risk assessments on various infectious diseases of farm animals used for food production. The questions to be answered may vary; thus, the risk assessment may either focus on the risk of introduction of an animal disease or on its further spread in Germany. As a rule, the risk assessments are provided in German language with an English summary.
Qualitative Risikobewertung zur Einschleppung der Afrikanischen Schweinepest in Auslauf- und Freilandschweinehaltungen in Deutschland, Stand 29.08.2023 (PDF, Summary in English)
FLI Risk assessments of ASF (Weblink to OpenAgrar)
Qualitative Risikobewertung zur Verschleppung der Blauzungenkrankheit, Stand 12.04.2024 (PDF, Summary in English)
FLI Risk assessments of Bluetongue disease (Weblink to OpenAgrar)
Qualitative Risikobewertung zur Einschleppung sowie zum Auftreten von hochpathogenem aviären Influenzavirus H5 in Hausgeflügelbestände in Deutschland, Stand 05.05.2020 (PDF, Summary in English)
FLI Risk assessments of HPAI (Weblink to OpenAgrar)