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Institute of Epidemiology (IfE)

PD Dr. Katja Schulz


Telephone: +49 38351 7-1803
Fax: +49 38351 7-1151
Email contact

Südufer 10
17493 Greifswald - Insel Riems

PD Dr. med. vet.
Master of Science (MSc) in One Health
(Chamber) Recognised Veterinarian Specialist in Epidemiology
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Public Health – Population Medicine (Diplomate of the ECVPH)

Current area of work

Katja Schulz analyzes surveillance data of different animal diseases to assess their progression as well as the impact of different surveillance and control measures. In her work, Katja particularly applies methods from social sciences such as participatory methods to analyze the acceptance of existing or potential measures. She is also a member of the epidemiological advisory group.

Scientific interests

  • Surveillance
  • Participatory epidemiology
  • Qualitative risk assessments