Department of Experimental Animal Facilities and Biorisk Management
The Laboratory for Experimental Animal Husbandry and Bacteriology conducts scientific investigations on virus infections of different farm animal species in cooperation with other work groups of the FLI. The head of the laboratory also acts as responsible veterinarian for experimental large and small animal husbandry at the FLI site Insel Riems and is the designated training officer for the professional education of animal keepers for ‘field research and clinic’.
Furthermore, the laboratory is responsible for bacteriological diagnostics of test materials generated at the FLI site Insel Riems as well as of samples sent in for investigation. This also includes quality control of cell cultures, virus suspensions, sera and cell culture media to ensure the absence of mycoplasms and other contaminants. The laboratory also supports the Collection of Cell Lines in Veterinary Medicine in cleaning contaminated cell cultures.
The animal holdings of the quarantine unit, in particular SPF animals used for breeding, are tested routinely for bacteria (hygiene check) according to the standards of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Associations (FELASA).