Directive 92/66/EEC defines the tasks of the national reference laboratory for ND. As not all avian paramyxoviruses of the serotype 1, but only those of a certain virulence are considered as causative agents of ND, the most important task is the characterization of virus isolates. This is done by serotyping with specific antisera against APMV-1 to APMV-9. By means of monoclonal antibodies lentogenic strains of the La Sota type and pigeon type viruses are detected. If this is not successful, pathogenicity is determined by sequencing of the F gene cleavage site or in animal studies.
- Direct contact for federal and state authorities for questions relating to ND control
- Antigen or genome detection in test materials
- Differentiation and characterization of haemagglutinating virus isolates of poultry and birds
- Identification of avian paramyxovirus (APMV)-1/NDV isolates
- Characterization of the pathogenicity of the isolates by determination of the intracerebral pathogenicity index and/or sequencing of the F protein cleavage site
- Further characterization of APMV-1/NDV by monoclonal antibodies
- Serotyping of other avian PMV isolates
- Investigation of poultry and bird sera for antibodies against avian PMV of the serotypes 1 to 4 and 6 to 9
- Supply of reference virus strains, antigenes and antisera
- Control, standardization and improvement of NDV-specific test methods
- Participation in EU ring trials
- Organization of national ring trials
- Storage of virus isolates from confirmed outbreaks and transfer of selected isolatesto the EU reference laboratory
- Organization of qualification measures, e.g. for staff of veterinary diagnostic authorities
- Participation in working groups and research projects of the European Union
- Research on the improvement and standardization of ND diagnostics as well as on questions of pathogenesis or immunization.
- Virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs
- APMV-1 genome detection by PCR
- Characterization of APMV-1 by PCR, sequencing and reactivity by monoclonal antibodies
- Determination of the pathogenicity of APMV-1 by sequencing of the F- protein cleavage site and determination of the intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI)
- Identification of other APMV serotypes by haemagglutination inhibition test with specific antisera
- Detection of antibodies against APMV-1 by HI test and ELISA
- Detection of antibodies against APMV-2 to APMV-9 by HI test with specific antigenes