Radar Bulletin Germany
Pursuant to § 27 section 2 sentence 3 Animal Health Act (TierGesG) the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut preventionally watches the global animal disease situation and raises awareness of potential dangers at an early stage, e.g. of the risk of introducing animal disease agents by live animals or animal products.
The Radar Bulletin compiles and evaluates information on the global situation and on the spread of the most important animal diseases which are relevant for Germany and Switzerland.
The Radar Bulletin is compiled by the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (BLV) in cooperation with the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI). It is published in Switzerland and Germany in two different editions providing country-specific risk assessments. BLV and FLI, respectively, have overall responsibility for the edition published in their country.
The Radar Bulletin briefly and concisely describes the current global situation with regard to the most important animal diseases and assesses the resulting risks based on a traffic light system (danger levels green, yellow and red).