Dr. E. Tobias Krause
Telephone: +49 5141 3846-132
Fax: +49 5141 3846-117
Email contact
Dörnbergstraße 25/27
29223 Celle
research projects
Research Project LABEL-FIT
MeTEmSiS - Mehr Tierwohl und geringere Emissionen durch intelligente Schweine in innovativen Ställen (in german langauge)
FLI-Verbundprojekt Adapt-Huhn (in german langauge)
Intelligentes Lichtsystem - Haltung nicht schnabelgekürzter Putenhennen unter LED-Beleuchtung mit UV-Anteil (in german langauge)
Interaktives Kalkulations- und Informationssystem zu Tierwohl, Umweltwirkung und Ökonomie von zukunftsfähigen Tierhaltungsverfahren – Fokus Tiergerechtheit (in german langauge)
Research project “ErhEb” - Evaluation of the elevated platforms as useable space for fattening pigs using of digital monitoring methods
European Partnership Animal Health & Welfare: Assessment of positive welfare; defining animal-based measures – Poultry
Research topics
- Animal Behaviour and Methods in Animal Behaviour
- Animal Needs and Animal Welfare
- Cognition and Cognitive Enrichment
- Early developmental conditions and later life impact
- Avian olfaction and olfaction of farm animals
- Behavioural Ecology and Life history