Publications of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut and its scientists are archived in the institutional repository OPEN AGRAR. This publication server is operated by the BMEL and is used jointly by the Federal Research Institutes of the BMEL.

Risk Assessments
Risk Assessment / Ed.: Friedrich-Loeffler-Inst., Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
Annual Animal Health Reports
Annual Animal Health Report / Ed.: Friedrich-Loeffler-Inst., Federal Research Institute for Animal Health. - Greifswald - Insel Riems : Friedrich-Loeffler-Inst., Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
ISSN 1867-9374

The LabLoeffler - News for the lab
Der LabLoeffler : News für das Labor / Ed.: Friedrich-Loeffler-Inst., Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
ISSN 2190-7153