PD Dr. Anne Balkema-Buschmann
Deputy Head of Institute / Laboratory Head

Telephone: +49 38351 7-1515
Fax: +49 38351 7-1192
Email contact
Südufer 10
17493 Greifswald - Insel Riems
Participation in research projects
A bivalent vaccine to reduce the risk of Nipah virus outbreaks
Prevention of Viral Diseases with Epidemic and Pandemic Potential through Development and Clinical Testing of a Novel Virus Like Particle (VLP) Vaccine (VICI-Disease)
Innovative Diagnostic Pipelines for One Health Surveillance
Synergistically targeting pyrimidine metabolism and RNA integrity for the treatment of respiratory diseases caused by zoonotic influenza A viruses and henipaviruses
In vivo efficacy studies of monoclonal antibodies and small molecules against SARS-CoV-2 and other relevant agents
ISIDORe - Integrated services for infectious disease outbreak research