Dr. Sabine Dippel
Telephone: +49 5141 3846-200
Fax: +49 5141 3846-117
Email contact
Dörnbergstraße 25/27
29223 Celle
Research projects
Animal welfare monitoring in organic agriculture – improving animal welfare and making it transparent (ÖKoTier)
Research related to tail biting
Research Project SchwIP
Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition
Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig herds - by means of a HACCP based management and surveillance programme
Sustainable pig production systems
Research interests
- improvement of pig and cattle husbandry and management, on conventional as well as organic farms
- validation of welfare parameters for on-farm protocols
- researcher-farmer communication
- application of epidemiological methods to pig and cattle welfare problems related to husbandry and management (e.g. tail biting)
- sustainability of pig farms
- data analysis