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Institute of Novel and Emerging Infectious Diseases (INNT

AvH Center of Excellence for Zoonotic Arbovirus Diseases (ACEZAD)


Project duration: 07/2021 - 06/2026

Funding: Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation

This project will investigate the occurrence of arbovirus infections (Rift Valley Fever (RVF), Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), West Nile Virus (WNV), Wesselsbron Virus (WV), Middelburg irus) to determine their respective public health significance. The need for ongoing surveillance of known (endemic) and relatively unknown (emerging) arboviruses in various countries is critical due to increased animal trade and transport, bird migration, and global climatic changes that have a major impact on the incidence of these diseases due to effects on the life cycles of the transmitting vectors. In Benin, Nigeria, and Cameroon, where there are large movements of animals, the true economic and health impacts of these diseases have been poorly understood. This project involves partners from Nigeria.  (University of Ibadan, Redeemer's University, National Veterinary Research Institute Vom), Benin (University of Abomey-Calavi) and Cameroon (National Veterinary Laboratory (LANAVET), University of Ngaoundere) are collaborating. FLI is acting in an advisory capacity.

Involved INNT scientists:

Prof. Dr. Martin H. Groschup

Project partner:

Prof. James O Olopade
University of Ibadan

National Veterinary Research Institut Vom

University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Dr. Abel Wade
Laboratoire Nationale Vétérinaire (LANAVET), Garoua, Kamerun

University of Ngaoundere, Kamerun


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