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Institute of Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry (ITT)

Comparative analysis of keel bone damages in chicken of divergent genetics

behaviour and disorders

Duration: 01.02.2023 bis 31.01.2026


The aim of this joint project is to analyze the development of keel bone damages in chickens of divergent genetics. The term „keel bone damage“ summarises fractures and deviations of the keel bone. Various studies have shown that strong forces, for example from falls, only can explain some of the fractures. There are only a few studies and hypotheses on the development of the other, "non-traumatic" fractures. It is assumed that there is a relationship to a high laying rate and the early start of laying before the ossification of the keel bone is completed. In order to close this knowledge gap and to learn more about the origins of this animal welfare problem, comparative endocrinological, radiological, neuroanatomical and ethological questions are being addressed in relation to keel bone damage in chickens with the following laying lines or chicken breeds: Lohmann Selected Leghorn, Lohmann Sandy and Lohmann Brown (320 eggs/year), Bankiva chicken (20 eggs/year), American Leghorn (200 eggs/year), Rhode Island chicken (180 eggs/year), Leghorn (200 eggs/year), Sumatra chicken (120 eggs/year).

Project management

apl. Prof. Dr. Lars Schrader

Project Staff

Lisa Hildebrand Email:lisa.hildebrand@fli.de


Cooperation partner

Wissenschaftlicher Geflügelhof des BDRG - Bruno-Dürigen-Institut, Rommerskirchen:
Dr. Mareike Fellmin

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf:
PD Dr. Julia Mehlhorn

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Institut für Nutztiergenetik:
apl. Prof. Dr. Steffen Weigend

Universität Leipzig:
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Beryl Eusemann


keel bone damages in chicken (© FLI)