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Institute of Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry (ITT)

Practice and Science Broiler Production Innovation Network

Animal friendly and sustainable husbandry Research field Methods for assessing animal welfare

Acronym: BroilerNet

Project duration: 01.08.2022 – 31.07.2026

Funding: The EU part is funded by the European Commission under H2020.


Project aim

BROILERNET will create twelve national level innovation networks and three EU level networks of broiler farmers, advisors, supply chain integrator companies, farmers' organisations, researchers and veterinarians to address the upcoming challenges faced by broiler farmers. The project will be designed around three main fields of concern:

  1. environmental sustainability;
  2. animal welfare; and
  3. animal health management.

Through a multi-actor approach, the most urgent needs of broiler farmers regarding these topics will be identified and the network will collect and evaluate good practices that are able to meet these needs. BROILERNET will also engage with existing and new broiler-focused EIP-AGRI Operational Groups (OGs) and enhance their impact.

The selected best practices will be spread through a variety of communication and dissemination activities to reach the vast majority of broiler farmers in the countries of the participating consortium partners, but also to all broiler farmers across Europe. Numerous multi-language flyers, videos and national roadshows are just some of the dissemination methods that will be foreseen among the activities dedicated to communication and dissemination.

[''] Logo Broilernet

Project partner:

  • Schweden:
    • Sveriges Lantbruksuniverstet (SLU) – Project coordinator
    • Svensk Fagel Service AB (SFS)
  • France:
    • Agence Nationale de la Securite Sanitaire De L Alimentation del Environnement Et Du Travail (ANSES)
    • Terrena Societe Cooperative Agricole (TERRENA)
  • Italiy:
    • Centro Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali (CRPA)
    • Unione Nazionale Filiere Agroalimentari Italiane Delle Carni E Delle Uova (UNAITALIA)
  • Germany:
    • Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit (FLI)
    • Bundesverband Bäuerlicher Hähnchenerzeuger e.V. (BVH)
  • Spain:
    • Institut De Recerca I Tecnologia Agroaliment Aries (IRTA)
    • Federacio Avicola Catalana (FAC)
  • Greece:
    • Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos - DIMITRA (ELGO)
    • Agrotikos Ptinotrofikos Syneterismos Ioanninon "I Pindos" (PINDOS)
  • Poland:
    • Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (SGGW)
    • Polski Zwiazek Zrzeszen Hodowcow I Producentow Drobiu (PZZHiPD)
  • Slovenia:
    • Univerza V Ljubljani (UL)
    • Perutnina Ptuj Reja Perutnine Proizvodnja Krmil Perutninskega Mesa Inizdelkov Trgovina in Storitve Doo (PERUTNINA)
  • The Netherlands:
    • Stichting Wageningen Research (WR)
    • Leenders Vof (Leenders VOF)
  • Finland:
    • Helsingin Yliopisto (UH)
    • Suomen Siipikarjaliitto Finlands Fjaderfaforbund Ry (SIIPI)
  • Portugal:
    • Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria (FMV)
    • Associacao Nacional Dos Centros Deabate E Industrias Transformadorasde Carne De Aves Ancave (ANCAVE)
  • Ireland:
    • Teagasc – Agriculture and Food Development Authority (TEAGASC)

Projekt management:

Dr. Thomas Bartels

apl. Prof. Lars Schrader

Project staff: 

Dr. Julia Malchow
Tel.: +49 5141 3846 130

Dr. Margret Vonholdt-Wenker
Tel.: +49 5141 3846 154