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Institute of Novel and Emerging Infectious Diseases (INNT

Prof. Dr. Martin H. Groschup

Head of the Institute / Laboratory Head

Foto: Prof. Dr. Martin H. Groschup

Telephone: +49 38351 7-1163
Fax: +49 38351 7-1191
Email contact

Südufer 10
17493 Greifswald - Insel Riems

Prof. Dr. med. vet.
(Chamber) Recognised Veterinarian Specialist in Microbiology 
(Chamber) Recognised Veterinarian Specialist in Virology

Participation in research projects

Innovative Diagnostic Pipelines for One Health Surveillance
Mosquitoes and mosquito-borne zoonotic diseases in Germany CuliFo3
WiLiMAN-ID Ecology of Wildlife, Livestock, huMan and Infectious Diseases in changing environments
Strengthening biosecurity in dealing with proliferation-critical animal disease pathogens in Ukraine Short title: AA Ukraine IV
DURABLE - Delivering a Unified Research Alliance of Biomedical and public health Laboratories against Epidemics
Strengthening of the Mauritanian partner laboratory (ONARDEP) to become a veterinary science and training hub in West Africa (AA Sub Sahara IV)
MOBILISE: A novel and green mobile One Health laboratory for (re-)emerging infectious disease outbreaks. Short title: MOBILISE
Enzootic transmission cycles of RVF and CCHF viruses in Zambia and Mozambique. Short titel: Bunyavires
Early detection of pathogens and management of outbreaks:
AvH Center of Excellence for Zoonotic Arbovirus Diseases (ACEZAD)
Tackling Chronic Wasting Disease in Europe (TCWDE)
Integration von SARS-CoV2-Forschungsprojekten und - Preparedness (COVID19JIP – COVRIN)
Studies on interactions of zoonotic pathogens in humans and animals (SHIP Next Modul One Health)
Boosting Uganda’s investments in Livestock Development. Short title: BUILD INNT
Enzootic transmission cycles of RVF and CCHF viruses in Zambia and Mozambique. Short titel: Bunyavires
Investigations on vector competence and pathogen load of mosquitoes in Germany. Short title: CuliFo2
EBOSURSY: Strengthening the capacity of LANAVET in viral hemorrhagic fever diagnostics, preparedness and research to OIE Standard. Twinning Cameroon
National Research Platform for Zoonoses – Office Insel Riems -
Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectiology research and experimentation. Short title: VetBioNet
Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Vaccine.Short title: CCHFVaccine
ISIDORe - Integrated services for infectious disease outbreak research