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Institute of Bacterial Infections and Zoonoses (IBIZ)

Working group Bacterial Zoonoses of Companion Animals

Pets not only play an important role as companions, but are also often considered as members of the family. This very close coexistence always carries a certain risk of pathogen transmission. Although this risk is low in most cases, companion-animal-associated zoonoses can occur and can lead to serious infections in humans.


  • Development of recommendations for (disease) control and diagnostics
  • Phenotypical and molecular characterisation of Yersinia
  • Research on the virulence and pathomechanisms of pathogenic Yersinia
  • Prevalence and resistance studies
Overview of methods
  • Bacteriology
  • Antibiotic Resistance Testing
  • PCR
  • Sequencing (Illumina/ONT)
  • Proteomics