In Germany, around 1,200 HPAIV H5 cases in wild birds and 245 outbreaks in poul-try and captive birds have been detected since 30. October 2020, six of them in captive birds. In addition, 20 European countries reported new outbreaks of HPAIV subtype H5 in captive birds and wild birds. However, in Germany, a reduction in the number of new outbreaks and cases has been observed in recent days.
The risk of spread in waterfowl populations and disease introduction in poultry farms and captive birds is now considered to be moderate. Equally, there is a moderate risk of introduction of HPAIV subtype H5 through virus spread between poultry farms within Germany. Trade with live poultry, including movements between EU mem-ber states with high trade volumes, continues to carry a high risk. Biosecurity measures in poultry holdings should be reviewed and optimized where possible.
So far, the risk assessment has been high, compared to which moderate means medium risk. There are two further assessment levels below moderate (low and negligible), but these are currently not in sight.
The FLI explicity points out that possible measures to prevent avian influenza outbreaks, such as a local or regional obligation to keep poultry indoors, are ordered and also lifted by the locally responsible veterinary authorities.